Activity calculator

The Activity Calculator can help you calculate the number of hours per week (averaged over a year) doing moderate-risk or high risk activities.
You need to enter data about moderate and high risk activities in the LAST YEAR (upper panel) and in the NEXT YEAR (lower panel).
Enter data in the yellow cells. Begin by typing the name of an activity in the yellow box under the "Activity" heading. If BRuCe recognises the activity it will automatically decide if the activity is a "low" or "moderate" or "high" risk activity and enter that in the next column. If BRuCe doesn't recognise the activity you will have to decide yourself if the activity is low or moderate or high risk - for help with that you can click on the "Activity categories" tab at the top of the page. In the next two columns enter the number of hours per week and number of weeks per year of that activity. BRuCe will use those data to calculate the number of hours per week, averaged over a year, and add it to the "Total of moderate risk activities" or "Total of high risk activities". You can add extra activities by clicking on the grey "Add another activity" button. You only need to list moderate and high risk activities - there is no need to list low risk activities. And you only need to list frequent activities - there is no need to list activities engaged in for less than about an hour a week on average. When you've finished you can copy the totals into the bleeds risk calculator by clicking on the grey "Enter these data into BRuCe" button.

Activity Moderate risk or high risk? Number of hours per week Number of weeks per year Average number of hours per week    
Total of moderate risk activities: hours/week
Total of high risk activities: hours/week


Activity Moderate risk or high risk? Number of hours per week Number of weeks per year Average number of hours per week    
Total of moderate risk activities: hours/week
Total of high risk activities: hours/week